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Consensus Building: We Must Build A United Nation That Runs – Anyim Pius Anyim

Former Senate President and current presidential aspirant Anyim Pius Anyim has called on Nigerians to choose an all-inclusive government in the forthcoming elections. In an interview with Arise News, he expressly stated that the government must be structured in a way that Nigerians from all parts of the nation feel a sense of belonging, responsibility and inclusion.

There have been several obvious economic and infrastructural challenges that have hindered Nigeria from stringing together a consistent period of high performance. There is perhaps no bigger reason than this, as to why growth has been in spurts. Asides from being perceived as; a lot of people have said that the activities of previous administrations have shown strong signs of exclusion of the people.

The challenges of the country have been further aggravated by sectionalism, tribalism and marginalization. Different factions from the east, west, north and south have sprung up, making several demands in their small circle. Not one time however has there been togetherness in approach and oneness in demands. This has inevitably resulted in what has seemingly been a “divide and conquer” approach by the government.

This division is also seen in the government where specific positions have been reserved for people of a certain class, tribe or community, despite the existence of a supposed federal character policy in the constitution.

In the words of former Senate President – Anyim Pius Anyim, equity and fairness must be the pillars of anyone who aspires to ascend to the number one position in the nation and bring about a new government with a different approach. An inclusive government will surely help Nigerians build a better society where everyone feels that they have a stake. “Make people know that they are stakeholders in the nation, and watch everyone play their part.” He said in one of his responses.

While sharing more information about the kind of government he would run, he noted that his government will make sure to collect the opinions and desires of the people from all areas before developing policies. That way, it is the will of the people that will stand, and not just a certain faction of public office holders, shoving policies down the throats of average Nigerians. Consensus must be built among the populace before any decision that will affect millions of Nigerians can be taken at the federal level.

Anyim Pius Anyim is hoping that everyone can see this as a huge paradigm shift and will throw their weight behind him as he contests for the opportunity to represent his party as the chosen candidate. On the other hand, the elections are forthcoming and Nigerians are hopeful that the forthcoming government will herald a new era of progress for Nigerians.

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