

By Jerry Ishaku

I know a Man who was honest, gentle, peaceful, who understand the rule of Law, a great reformer, Intelligent yet so calm, great achiever, yet so silent.

I know a Peace Maker..An unbiased, non ethno religious sentimental.

I know the Transformation Master..the midwife of modern democracy.

Throw him the insults, and he replies with a smile, Pierce him with arrows and he spills the bowels of mercy, Nail him with betrayals, and he replies with a Laughter..

Lacerated by the blade of his trusted, But his Soul bleeds with the tears of compassion, His heart is without guile no hatred, colder than the winters zone.

Look into his eyes and you see the aura of peace..

A compassionate active leader in servitude..

His smiles are genuine, pure, honest and true..
He was never Perfect, but he gave his best..
He was not always right, but even when he was wrong, He was true and sincerely wrong..

His weakness was Trust..

Like the wonder years, you will remain Precious, More Precious than the jewel of stones..

Tender at heart, kind in Spirit and joyful in soul..

I Know Barr Sunday Marshall Katunɡ

May Katung Succeed…

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