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14years Old Girl raped To Death At Premier Academy Lugbe

Peter Jerome

Karen Aôndodoo Akpagher a pretty SS1 student of Premier Academy, Lugbe, Abuja, was raped-infected leading to her death by yet to be identified rapist.

The victim died because of infection from the condom left in her which caused the infection and her eventual death.

Karen who had complained of being unwell after the incidence had sought permission to go home for medical care was reportedly, denied permission by the school management until the pains became unbearable.

Little Karen eventually died at the hospital where the condom was discovered inside her at which point it had become too late.

The family has however called for a thorough investigation on the matter pleading that the culprit should not go unpunished especially since the incidence happened when she was supposed to be at the boarding school. The family noted that:

“If rapists are shielded and not exposed children and vulnerable women will continue to suffer.

“Nigeria must not allow this to continue. The blood of Karen cries out for justice.

“Our family will not rest until justice is done.

“If you keep quiet today, tomorrow it will be your child” the family decried and promised to mount a “Justice for Karen” Campaign.

Efforts to contact the school authorities failed as they would neither deny nor accept that the incidence happened in the school. Further enquiries were not responded to.

 Meanwhile, the police have since commence action to unravel the case.

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