
FG palliatives: Gov. Sule bows to pressure, reverses to 50kg bag of rice to families in Nasarawa


Following the persistent public outcry over distribution of 7kg bags of rice (5 measures) to families in Nasarawa, the state governor Abdullahi Sule, Tuesday bowed to pressure and commenced the distribution of 50kg of rice to the citizens in the state.


Recall that the state government has been before now distributing 7kg of rice or less and, in most cases, sharing in measures the federal government palliative meant to cushion the effect of subsidy removal in the state in order to reach many people,

our Correspondent gathered that the situation has now changed whereby selected families were given 50kg in the recent round of distribution.


Sule was in Awe, Keana, and Obi in continuation of the federal government palliative distribution to the citizens of the state to cushion the effect of the subsidy removal.


Commenting on the development, Chairman of the major opposition People’s Democratic party, Chief Francis Orogu called on the citizens irrespective of religion ethnic and political inclinations to stand up against injustices, manipulation and deprivation by some few persons in government.


Orogu, who decried the subjective treatment received by the citizens in the Western and Northern zones of the state where palliative were given out in measures again appealed to the federal government to mount surveillance on some governors especially Nasarawa state to give the people a sense of belonging and fair share of its good intention.


He wondered why food items given to reduce pervasive hardship arising from the subsidy removal be diverted in the face of large-scale hunger in the state.


“We are appealing to the federal government under the watchful eyes of president Bola Tinibu to urgently tackle the monumental fraud in the distribution of the subsidy palliative to help the suffering mass of Nigerans particularly in Nasarawa sttate”.


Recall also that the Nasarawa state House of Assembly, worried by the high spate of diversion of the palliative, set up a 7-man panel to investigate allegations of diversion by government officials in the state.

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