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Jonathan Reacts to Ongoing War between Israel, Palestine, calls for a ceasefire.


Peter Jerome

Former President Goodluck Jonathan has reacted to the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine, calling for understanding between the two sides.

The Ex-President while calling for a ceasefire between the two divides followed by massive confidence building, through his tweeter handle called on the international community to aim for peace, which, according to him, “is achievable.”

He further said that this can only be resolved by those living within the borders of Israel and Palestine taking time to understand each other until they come to a place where they can coexist, co-prosper and eventually cooperate.

While suing for peace in both Israel and Palestine, he urges that every international support should be towards deescalating the conflict, rather than escalating it.”

Jonathan who has been lately accused by the Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC) for being the cause of the killings of the Palestinians in the ongoing crises, warned that the present conflict in that part of the world can never be resolved by nations and institutions taking sides.

Meanwhile, over 65 Palestinians and 6 people from Israel have been killed as the deadly exchange of fire between Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip and the Israeli military escalates significantly.

The United Nations said it fears a “full-scale war” as Israel accuses Palestinian militants of having fired more than 1,000 rockets.”

Israel has also carried out hundreds of air strikes on Gaza leading to destruction of three tower blocks and killing of senior Hamas officials.

Over sixteen Palestinian children have been caught up in the conflict.

UN Secretary General António Guterres said he was “gravely concerned” by the ongoing violence.

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