
Middle Belt Dissociates Itself from False Report

By News Editor, Abuja

The leadership of the Middle Belt Journalists Forum, MBJF has dissociated itself from an online newspaper report that claimed, it had accused the DG of Industrial Trust Fund, ITF, Dr. Joseph Ari, of sponsoring militia activities in Jos axis to forment religious crisis within the middle belt region.

This followed a report by the African Examiner, published by Opera News titled: “ITF DG Joseph Ari on fire for Allegedly sponsoring Christian militias to forment religious crisis.”

But the MBJF, in a statement on Wednesday, signed by its president, Jonathan Ipaa and Secretary General, Oikeke Igado-Kure respectively, disclaimed the report, describing it as distressing, unfortunate and completely repugnant to natural justice.

“For the avoidance of doubt, at no time did the MBJF, either in its public engagement or private had accused the ITF DG as published in the report.

The faceless writer who is clearly doing a hatchet job for his paymasters did it poorly and ended up exposing his glaring professional deficiencies.

For one, there has never been a time that MBJF raised any allegations against the DG in any Media organisation.

So, dragging the MBJF into such fabricated falsehood is to say the least a very nauseating mischief that is taken too far.

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