
Nasarawa PDP- “Destruction of Our Billboards By Agents of APC Government in Bad Taste”


The Peoples Democratic Party PDP in Nasarawa State has said that the destruction of its billboards in Nasarawa by the APC led state givernment in the State was dine un bad taste.


A statement issued by the Party’s publicity Secretary, Mohammed Hamza condenmed the destruction of billboards, posters and other campaign materials of PDP candidates in Lafia, the state capital.


He said the act was carried out by agents of the APC led state government officials including those from the Nasarawa Urban Development Board and state owned security vigilante, (NAYES ) guarded by heavily armed Police and Nigeria Security and Civil Defence personnel as well as the DSS.


He dedcribed the action as a show of shame in the politics of the twenty first century Nigeria, motivated by lack of confidence heralding the defeat of the APC led government due to poor performance since the past three and half years in the saddle of affairsin the State.


“We wonder why the government sought to enforce any law by making its agents to pull down only PDP billboards for presidential, governorship, national and state assembly candidates including those hung by registered advertisers on light poles as well as those within the premises of the state party secretariat ” saying it is an attempt to incite crises. “Imagine if the party supporters resisted this unwarranted aggression.”

Meanwhile, the PDP said “it is curious to note that the bill boards and posters of APC presidential, governorship, national and state assembly are left standing while more are being erected. ”


Hon. Hamza said the PDP in the state has no option other than to call on relevant security agencies to take measures against this rash acts of thuggery championed by enemies of progress and democracy, which is capable of snowballing into mayhem.


“The PDP therefore chooses to use this medium to call on its teeming supporters to remain calm and conduct themselves peacefully and avoid acts that could breach the peace before, during and after the general elections.”

The PDP further urged its supporters to remain vigilant at all times and be guided in accordance with our code of behaviour and conduct especially, at these times when the party is set to reclaim the opportunity and bring back the state’s days of glory to the people.


The party also assures its members, supporters and the public that the PDP leadership is doing “everything within the law to seek a stop to these unwarranted action of the APC government and obtain justice for all PDP candidates”. The statement concluded.

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