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Network Shutdown Endangering Lives: Jagaba Tells KDSG

It is sad that the government of the day keep taking unrealistic steps that leaves alot to be questioned in the name of fighting insecurity. Most times one is forced to wonder the motive behind each step she takes if it is truly for the security of the state or some other hidden intentions. From paying killers to stop killing, to provoking the terrorists with reckless language and now a network shutdown.

What happened with the N1.24 billion surveillance and monitoring system of the Command and Control Centre of the Kaduna State that was commissioned by President Buhari in 2019 that aim at tackling the security challenges in the state?

What about using the geo-position interceptor and location of GSM, UMTS system to check trends, intercept and locate kidnappers; The same facility that the Kaduna state government claimed to have spent 193.6 million to procure? In my opinion, with these surveillance facility on ground, there is no need to shutdown communication network to end the activities of banditry. This has clearly showed that the government is out of ideas and resorts to using 16th century approach in dealing with 21st century terrorists.

The Governor of Kaduna state and the commissioner of Internal Security and Home Affairs should know that we know, the shutdown of telecommunications services in only a section of the metropolitan area of the State capital is intentional and wickedness. Why is the network shutdown only in the Southern part of the State capital while the North enjoys full network. Surprisingly, Makera (Kakuri) and Barnawa market have telecommunications network, was that a coincidence? That alone validates the fact that there is a hidden motive.

Business activities and opportunities are being crippled. People are missing examinations and job interviews because of lack of communication. People are dying in their houses because they can not access emergency help.

More atrocities are committed on a daily basis and people can’t reach out for help, like the recent incident where a whole congregation of Baptist church in Kakau were kidnapped with ease. Consequently, the attacks on the communities of Yagbak and Abuyab all in Atyap Chiefdom in Zangon Kataf local government area on thursday by heavily armed terrorists and many others. What has network shutdown achieved? Did it stopped the kidnappings and killings?

Could it be true as it is being said, “that the state government shutdown the telecommunications network in south in order to silence the voice of his critics and the publication of the evil going on in the state?
We have reason to think this way because it doesn’t seem the government is sincere about this matter. These atrocities are committed and government is saying nothing about it, the world is left in the dark of the happening all as a consequence of the shutdown since the social media has been the only hope of these affected communities. How shall we expect a government who remained mute at the killing and burial of over 38 people in Madamai.

What ever be the case, posterity will judge us all as humans, but while we wait till then, governance is transient, some day someone will be in charge and those in charge today will be common citizens again. We are watching you shamelessly arresting and jailing journalist and Human Rights Defenders that are speaking against the unabated brutality against humanity. Be rest assured that your turn is not far and the prisons remain where they are to host you gladly.

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