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What NAF Discovered At The ISWAP-Boko Haram Hideout After Attack

Scores of Boko Haram-ISWAP terrorists were eliminated on Monday by airstrikes from the Air Component while their gun trucks were also destroyed in a well-coordinated joint operation with the ground troops in Gubio, Borno State.

Reports disclose that the NAF alpha jet, on sighting the Boko Haram-ISWAP fighters fleeing towards Damasak in four-gun trucks, fired rockets on their convoy and subsequently immobilized the occupants.

Also, after the aerial bombardments, some terrorists who were trying to escape on feet, were neutralized by ground troops.

Apart from the destroyed gun trucks, items recovered from the terrorists included sophisticated guns, ammunition, fragmental jackets, jerry cans, bags of Indian hemp, sexual enhancement pills and exercise book containing Arabic text on how to make bombs.

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