

Peter Jerome 

Editor-in-Chief; TMS News
Monday, the 10th day of May 2021 marked another milestone in the foot counting of excellence in leadership and effective service delivery at the NYSC, one of the trajectories of historical monuments of Nigeria. It is exactly two years when the purpose-driven and result goal targeting Director General of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC), Brigadier General Shuaibu Ibrahim assumed office.
With sure steps and clear vision in this last 730 days of stewardship, the gentle General has displayed a high degree of dedication in public service and in ideal administrative discharge of his responsibilities. This commitment has greatly reshaped the architectural operations of the scheme into addressing global demands and contemporary styles.
His unwavering zest in steering the ship at Yakubu Gowon House, Maitama-Abuja in the last 24 months is unprecedented. This is evident in his peerless determination in pursuing the result-oriented policy thrust of this administration and in accordance with the founding vision of the scheme.
As a determined soldier, Gen. Shuiabu understands the essence of collaborative work. As Director General he initiated regular interface with all arms of government, private sector organizations and the corps members themselves for fruitful partnership. This collaborative bond and shared values he initiated has resulted in the construction of more Permanent Orientation camps and renovation of others across the country.
Also, under his watch, youth corps members have woken up to the ideals of being more responsive to issues of national concerns. This was evident in their effort the fight during the outbreak of global pandemic of covid 19, during which a motivated scheme responded to the needs of the nation in amazing involve the in the search for remedies in all areas as scientist, medical doctors, engineers, film makers communicators among others. No one from the scheme was left behind in the search for solutions. This ensured an effective collaboration with the Presidential Task Force (PTF) on Covid-19 currently known as Presidential Steering Committee (PSC) and the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC), which led to Corps members’ massive contributions in the fight against Corona virus pandemic and even the successful conduct of Orientation courses at daring times. Also, the vaccination of serving Corps members and staff, as well as proposed vaccination of Prospective Corps members across all Orientation camps is as a result of the partnership he initiated between the scheme and the National Primary Healthcare Development. The acquisition of over 60,000 covid – 19 Rapid Diagnostic Test kits intended for use during the forthcoming 2021 Batch ‘A’ stream ll Orientation course, is courtesy of his bilateral relationship with the Victim Support Programme of T. Y. Danjuma Foundation.
Gen. Shauibu’s intentional strides in harnessing the creative ingenuity of Corps members in the past two years is second to none. His deliberate effort in equipping the NYSC National band and Cultural Truope to international standard and boosting the morale of the members by providing them conducive accommodation and other welfare packages has not only given these young talents some sense of value but has made them better equipped for the global industries.
Similarly, his production of the soon to be launched world class movie titled “NYSC: A call to service” are indications to his strong believe in the creative and innovative power of young Nigerian youths under his watch.
As an innovative leader with global drive, General Ibrahim has appropriately substantiated the importance of publicity and public relation in the operations of any responsible administration. Consequently, NYSC’s activities have received unprecedented promotion on both conventional and social media. The popular NYSC Half hour on NTA and Armed Forces Radio on Wednesday at 7:30 pm and Monday 3:00 pm respectively easily come to him here, coupled with the aggressive timely release of vital information on various social media platforms concerning the scheme for public knowledge.

General Shuaibu has placed the welfare of Corps members and staff as the hallmark of his administration. In barely a year in office, he ensured the increment of Corps members allowance from N19,800.00 to #33,000. The NYSC under his headship, has paid medical bills of Corps members and staff, both serving and retired and has is working to ensure a health insurance scheme for corps members. Daddy as he is popularly called by corps members has normalized paying personal visits to sick corps members and families of the deceased once – a show of leadership that is very uncommon in recent times.
He has distinguished himself as not just a Director General of the scheme, but a father with a paternal heart of love to the teeming Nigerian young graduate undergoing the scheme. He has displayed an extra-administrative concern to this youths that even after the service year his love for them remains unwavering, this led Daddy into proposing for an insurance funds for corps members after service year.

As a teacher of history, who understands the importance of old templates as a prerequisite for the making of fine contemporary styles, General Shuaibu has documented exploits of the Scheme under successive Directors General since inception on 22 May, 1973 in the publication of seven books to commemorate his second anniversary in office. The titles of the books are:
a. National Youth Service Corps and the Education Sector in Nigeria,
b. National Youth Service Corps and the Health Sector in Nigeria,
c. National Youth Service Corps and Community Development Service in Nigeria,
d. National Youth Service Corps and Election in Nigeria,
e. National Youth Service Corps and Skills Acquisition and Entrepreneurship Development in Nigeria,
National Youth Service and National Integration,
f. National Youth Service Corps and, and.
g. National Youth Service Corps and the fight against Covid-19 in Nigeria.
Each of the books promises an ocean filled of knowledge and/or information concerning NYSC’s contributions to nation building in the last four decades. He has equally established a museum at the NYSC headquarters in Maitama-Abuja for purpose of preserving the Scheme’s artifacts.
Indeed, this selfless, workaholic, incorruptible, courageous and ingenious leader has distinguished himself as an elixir of leadership satisfaction. The Nasarawa state born Soldier of Soldiers and terrestrial cum celestial enunciator of truth, has modeled out his life as a template for young people who seek genuine mentoring and ideal leadership pattern. The undeniable fact is that when the history of the NYSC will be written in a compendium, one of the most read pages, will be the achievements and leadership strides of Gen. Shuaibu Ibrahim.
While joining millions to congratulate him and register our best wishes on the journey so far, we sincerely pray for him to record yet unimaginable achievements in the last lap of his 3-year tenure.

Congratulation’s man of integrity! Well done to a leader par excellen. We are sure that your inspired actions will announce Nigeria to the world in many dimensions to the glory of God, benefits to humanity and credits to the one indivisible nation – Nigeria.

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