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History Will Vindicate The Suffering People of Plateau State Because of This Provocation


In another painful jab that is aimed at the dignity of the people of Plateau, the insensitive leaders of the crumbling APC have chosen to market their incompetence and malgovernance by flagging off their unsteady and controversial campaign in Jos.

That the event is being ushered in by an obsession in filling potholes and providing another layer of asphalt on the road to the party’s campaign Secretariat and the private residence of the Deputy speaker of the House of Representatives shows crass incapacity of leadership.

This type of ‘show of road’ could best have been left to local government council Chairmen rather than a whole governor stooping to this level. So then if not for a political campaign, the APC administration in Plateau has been comfortable leaving the people to keep coping with their potholes! It is really petty.

It is a clear statement that the best that the APC Presidential candidate can see of the DG of his campaign here at home are newly acquired flags, freshly painted campaign Secretariat and refilled potholes.

There is nothing for the people of Plateau State and there can be nothing for them in this desperate display of hunger for power.

In all there pains following wanton killings in their homes, where was the APC Presidential candidate? For all their groaning about lack of real life changing governance, where was their candidate?

While it is true that Jos has become a historical referral point for deciding the political leadership of Nigeria in a democracy, those times cannot be compared to the serpentine process preferred by the APC in the game of opposition.

While Jos had in the past offered freedom to political actors who were genuine in their practice of democracy, let the APC minders know that this time around the very ground upon which they will make some more false promises will reject them. And the story will be told in March 2023 that in 2022 when the APC held their flag off in Jos, hoping to also be counted as being lucky, they failed woefully as their presidential ambition crashed completely.

No amount of provocative show of unparalleled opulence evidenced by the over-decoration of the Rwang Pam Stadium can change the determination of the people of Plateau to end this mediocrity and pretention.

In addition, there can be truly no campaign issues to be marketed to the people of Plateau State. They are already aware of the secured legacy of failure, debts without projects, kidnapping unlimited, withheld salaries and mismanaged relationships and opportunities.

Plateau people are just waiting eagerly for payback time when they will march to the polling units in 2023 and put an end to this era of gross deception by the APC. Atiku Abubakar and Caleb Mufwang are the credible choices for providing unity purpose and leadership to usher in an era of rebuilding their disollusioned lives.

Directorate of Media and Publicity
Atiku-Mutfwang Campaign Council,
Plateau State.

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Paying for Mockery on The Plateau