
Lets Build Our Democracy on the Principles of Nationhood

Hon Daniel Ogah Ogazi


The new speaker of the Nasarawa State House of Assembly has called on the people of the state to join hands with the rest of the country towards building a democracy that is based on the principles of nationhood.

In a statement he personally signed, Hon Daniel Ogah Ogazi said “Democracy as we all know is anchored on the People, with a Government that allows citizens to participate is the best thing that has happened to us as one indivisible people under God and this unity is a what will usher development for our nation Nigeria and Nasarawa State by extension”.

He further said “I, on behalf of the Leadership and Members of the 7th Nasarawa State House of Assembly hereby Congratulate the Government and Good People of Nasarawa State on the this special occasion commemorating our Nation’s Democracy day celebration.

As a strong believer of Democracy and democratic process, and moreso as part of our constitutional mandate, we shall leave no stone unturned in our efforts towards sustaining and upholding Democracy and its tenets in Nasarawa state.

He promised a responsible and responsive Assembly, which shall be accountable to the people, whom we hold their trust and on whose behalf they shall serve.

Ogazi further said that in the coming legislative days ahead, the hkuse under his watch shall make laws that are people centered, while assisting the Government as part of theirb constitutional duties of ensuring checks and balance between the Executive and the Legislature.

The recent skirmishes over the leadership of the 7th Assembly should not be seen as a thing of permanence since it must give way to governance and its dividends.

“I want to finally call on the citizens of Nasarawa State to be law abiding, keep the peace and further more, support the Government of the day in driving its policies and programmes for the development of the State ending the statement by welcoming the indigines to the 7th Nasarawa State People’s Assembly”

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