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Party Decamping Chokes the Air of Democracy – Omeri

Dr. Mike Omeri the immediate past Director General of the National Orientation Agency (NOA) has stated that the rate at which politicians are jumping from one party to another is a clear display of a purposeless leadership character which only succeeds in choking the air of democracy and freedom.

Omeri who stated this during a chat with TMS News exclusive, stated that the ability and willingness to solve identified problems, should be the definitive characteristics of every sincere leader. He said that a leader or an aspiring leader should be a “repairer of situations rather than a reaper of successes only”.

While describing those decampees as cowards who are running away from perceived problems in their previous parties to go and enjoy where others had stood back to build, advised that such people should not be trusted with leadership position as they apparently lack the character wherewithal to lead.

Omeri pointed out that a sincere leader will identify a problem and sort out ways to fix it, but anyone who is not ready to fix a problem and build it up to standard lacks the moral courage, trust, and character accountability to lead any group of people no matter how small and should not be trusted with public engagements.

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