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PDP State Chairmen Unfold Next Steps for Party

Sequel to the reported resignations of some National Officers of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (PDP), on Tuesday, 3rd Aug. 2021, the Forum of PDP State Chairmen have appealed for calm and restraint from all actors to avoid an escalation of the situation.

The forum made the appeal in a release signed by the Publicity Secretary of the Forum, Hon Francis O Orogu who added that it is the right of any member/s to resign his/her office if he/she so wishes.

Orogu who is the Nasarawa state PDP chairman, said that whatever the grievance one may have, the Party has very strong internal mechanisms for Dispute Resolution and has always practiced same, adding that, aggrieved members have always been encouraged to take advantage of these mechanisms in the overall interest of the Party and the public at large.

The forum while calling on all those who resigned to have a rethink and embrace dialogue, as an alternative to solving the problems they feel are mitigating against the progress of the Party, encouraged the NWC of the Party to ensure an immediate replacement of those Officers from their respective States to ensure a smooth conduct of future Party activities, should they remain persistent in their decision.

The Forum calls on the NWC to close ranks and put in place an all-inclusive plan of action for the smooth conduct of the forthcoming National Convention, which is the only legally authorized platform for electing National Officers of the Party.

The Forum also calls on all Organs of the Party to engage and interact effectively with each other to bring up a smooth and robust plan of action for the conduct of the next National Convention in a free and fair manner.

The Forum equally registered their sentiments of appreciation to the various Organs and Support Groups of the Party, particularly the NWC, National Caucus, Governors Forum, Bot, NASS Caucus, Former Governors Forum, Former Ministers Forum, among many others.

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