
Re: David, Let Our Sisters Go


By Jonathan Ipaa


Yesterday, I saw the circulated piece by my younger brother, a crony of Gov. A.A Sule, Yakubu Lamai. Well, who chose his birthday to distort the political events unfolding in Nasarawa state.

Since birthdays are solemn days, let me begin by sharing my belated wishes and felicitations with him. I equally felicitate with all Christians on the occasion of Easter commemoration, praying that we all enjoy the full benefits of Christ’s sacrifice.


That said, I am compelled to respond proportionately to the said message out of pity for Mr Lamai’s short intellectual exposure, especially the deepness of the curses associated with the cries of mothers in the manner we saw in the protesters evidenced by how he conjured up unrelated references in a vain attempt to buoy his case. Yet I will keep this short.


Yakubu’s message was as petty as it was misguided. First, it vehemently underscored what has become the hallmark of APC’s campaigns in Nasarawa state in recent years and particularly scaled in the 2023 run. That is the weaponization of religion as a tool to divide, disenfranchise and disempower the people of Nasarawa state. Specifically, in the run up to the elections, because the opposition candidate, David Emmanuel Ombugadu – whom the people of Nasarawa state across tribal, cultural and religious lines choose to pitch their tent with – is a Christian, the religious-bigot party turned to the Islam-Christian card. Thankfully, our good people, the unrelenting voters- weary of bad governance – saw past the no-good antics and went with their choice regardless of this antic. But of course, the power-hungry usurpers had another card up their sleeve, and with it they hijacked the people’s will. I won’t bother stating the details, as not even a blind eye or deaf ear would feign ignorance of these factual recent developments and be innocent!


Now, the disenfranchised people have determined that, while their will was circumvented after the polls, their voices will not keep silent. And of THEIR OWN VOLITION and PREFERRED PORTRAYAL, they have arisen to make their displeasure and pain known, in a peaceful search for justice and respite, but apparently the thieves of the people’s power are unwilling to yield what they stole, hence asking that they quiet their voices – their only power left – and return to their homes in acceptance of “defeat” when indeed THEY WON.


And expectedly, the APC turned to their favorite tool: Religion, this time playing the Christian card as a hopeful pacifier. Oh, one must not ignore to notice Yakubu Lamai’s “depth” of bible knowledge; maybe it’s time to prefix “pastor” to his name, howbeit not missing the misguided appropriation of the contexts and pure meanings of those _unnecessarily many_ scriptures. But then, we may omit to blame the gentleman, he is only part of an organization that bends the sanctity of our respective faiths to suit their whims and caprices. It’s a grand scheme, and Yakubu is only the piper blower this time.


Furthermore, I find it worrisome that someone with the vantage position and insight of State affairs like Yakubu would find it easy to insinuate David Ombugadu as the sponsor of an act so evidently self-initiated, self-engineered and self-sponsored by the protestants themselves. This is so vividly a response from a people grieving over their stolen mandate, and being mothers, they chose to tap into their cultural heritage to, as Mr Lamai himself said, “invoke God’s punishment.” Well, since there are jittery reactions now coming, may we assume that the unjust king’s quarters is starting to quake? God be praised.


And on a final note, what exactly did Yakubu Lamai mean when he said “…before it triggers a collision of OPPOSING forces”?


All we see here is the PEOPLE vs the hijackers of their mandate for which they _peacefully_ protest. So, is Mr Lamai suggesting that, besides stealing the people’s mandate, his party is planning to oppose the people’s legal right to a peaceful quest for redress? Should we become afraid for our safety and security in our own State?


Lastly, we note a loyal staff heralding the homecoming of his boss. Where has he been since his boss travelled? Eye service, the kind that is fit for Audu Alhaji of Sule after the mess they plunged him into in a clumsy manner trying to rig an otherwise historic election.

Jonathan Ipaa, anipr, mnuj, JP, is the Special Adviser, SA: Public Affairs and Strategic Communications to the PDP Governorship candidate, Nasarawa state, Dr Emmanuel David Ombugadu

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