
We are consulting in the most unlikely places to contest for senate: Omeri

…Says current National Assembly needs to debate more on poverty and insecurity issues

Dr Mike Omeri OFR, a Chieftain of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), in Nasarawa state, has reacted to pervading speculations about his bid to represent the good people of Nasarawa South senatorial District in the National Assembly come 2023.

In an exclusive TMS News interview over the weekend in Abuja, Omeri said he is still consulting and in the most unlikely places with normal people wishing him to throw his hat into the ring for the Nasarawa South senatorial race come 2023.

“Well, just like you and a host of others, I have heard and also seen people who are mobilizing, sharing posters, embarking on trips and meetings with the view to ensuring that they get my attention to participate in the race to the senate in 2023.

“It started on a slow note but now it is getting louder like you said but for me, I am hearing the voices, I am hearing the calls but am currently consulting in the most unlikely places, am consulting with the very ordinary people who will vote, am consulting with those who think their voices should be heard, am actually consulting in very ordinary places that can make a difference.” Omeri said

When asked about how long such consultations will last, the former Director General of the National Orientation Agency (NOA) said it is ongoing and that his position will be made known in no distant time.

“2023 is racing at us, the intense nature of politics in 2023 election is about all of us and am sure it is the Christmas holidays and the festive season that is holding it, as soon as that is over am sure a lot of people will come out to indicate interest.

“We also know that there are rules and regulations for the conduct and participation in elections such as national assembly election or general elections, so while looking at what INEC is doing, waiting for the national assembly to conclude the electoral act amendments, waiting for other institutions of government to put their acts together for a peaceful, free and fair process, we shall continue to build the strength of our party in the voting areas, in communities.

“Consultations continue and may be in a couple of days, we will have to take a decision, we will take a decision alongside the people.

“Within the first quarter of 2022 by the grace of God, we will make our position known to the public.” He said.

When asked to comment about representations in Nasarawa South over the years, the communication expert said that he would rather speak on what he would do peradventure he decides to join the race than talk about what the former and current representatives have done.

“We have had representations, people have done their best within their capacity and energy so I wouldn’t want to delve into what they did or did not do, I would be talking more on what I will do or what we should do as people and representatives. We should talk and plan on what we should aspire to achieve with the view of ensuring that hope is kept alive and that is not just about hope but also building a mechanism that will lead to mentorship based on ideas, based on deliverables, based on community organization and so forth and so on.

“Let people begin to do things in an orderly manner so that we can reap maximum benefit in the communities. We should empower with skills and opportunities. We shall not embark on rice and soap politics rather on food for sustainable leaving through skills based on needs and capacities

“We have a large community desiring infrastructure, access to education, to empowerments but we need to provide this in an organize manner, so we will come with one basic legislative concept of community organization to ensure that people are organized so we can reap the maximum benefits of not just our involvement in politics but of our being voters.” He said.

Speaking on the performance of the current national assembly Omeri said the assembly should have done more than it has done, saying that Nigerian masses deserve better from the national assembly.

“Well, the voices out there are so loud and you know what it is, people are not seeing the kind of robust debate that normally should characterize a representative platform like the national assembly.

“The people need to see more debates on issues affecting them and in doing so, representatives should not sit down in Abuja and say they are representing the people, they must go back to the people, gauge their feelings and yearnings and take same to the national assembly.

“Representatives must create a workable mechanism that gives them feedback and also organize the communities they represent. In doing so, the desires and yearnings of the people will be met speedily and appreciably.

“So as far as l am concerned, the current national assemble has missed certain points but I don’t want to dwell so much in what they have not done.

“Like I said earlier, we need to come up with a clear agenda, clear plans and deliverable milestones for our people to key in and work with it.” He said.

Omeri also opined that the current national assembly can do better in terms of discuss that could bring about improvement in the security situation and alleviate massive poverty in the country. And this poverty is of the mind and of the stomachs which is affecting every household everywhere.

“I believe that the approach for tackling insecurity could actually be done better than we are seeing today, i wish I had seen the national assembly taking a day or a week to thoroughly discuss the issues of insecurity and its twin, of poverty in Nigeria with the view to helping critical stakeholders map our implementable strategies, such when done can help us create a national solidarity because by the time this is done, we will not be working at cross purposes as a nation.

“Our representatives should therefore lead the way in helping us create a single narrative of one united nation faced with danger, therefore needing all of us to bring our talents, our energies, our skills, our capacities and all to finding solutions to our many security and poverty challenges.

“The national assembly could even declare a week of emergency in both chambers to discuss only issues of insecurity and poverty, doing so will afford the assembly ample opportunity to really look at the issues holistically.” Omeri concluded.

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  1. The “voices” are right. This is right time and a perfect opportunity for Dr. Omeri to serve his people to the best of his ability bringing the long desired change they deserve.

    A man by the people and for the people.

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