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Insecurity: Over 1.8million Children Out Of School In North East Nigeria – UNDP

Chad, Lac-region, january 2017 (see metadata for actual time and date) A major humanitarian crisis continues to grip Africa’s Lake Chad basin, where violence and destruction have caused huge population displacements, left hundreds of thousands of children trapped behind conflict lines and led to a dramatic increase in malnutrition. Boko Haram’s attacks and military operations have displaced 2.4 million people across north-eastern Nigeria, Cameroon’s Far North, south-east Niger and western Chad. World Food Program operations in and around Bol including Bago Sola. Photo: Espen Røst / Bistandsaktuelt – newspaper on aid and development

Peter Jerome

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has revealed that over 1.8 million children in the northeastern region of Nigeria are not enrolled in schools as a result of the conflicts and crises in the region.

This was contained in a report by the UNDP on the impact of the insurgency in the region presented in a virtual meeting by the country director, Mohammed Yahaya on Thursday in Abuja.

In the report which further disclosed that at least 35,000 people have so far been killed directly by the insurgents, with 350,000 said to have died indirectly because of the crisis, projected that over 1.1 million persons are still more likely to die from the crisis in the North-East region of Nigeria.

On the socioeconomic impact of the crisis on the northeast states, Yahaya stated from the report that $27.8 billion have been lost in GDP, plunging at least 1.4 million people into poverty.

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Insecurity: 324,000 Children Have Died In North-East Nigeria – UN